British Union of Fascists
- Action replay - Hamm, Jeffrey
- Britain First. Earls court
speech - Mosley, Oswald
- Coming corporate state, The -
Thomson, A. Raven
- Defence Regulation 18b
- Fascism. 100 questions asked
and answered - Mosley, Oswald
- Holy land, The. Arab or jew.
Gordon-Canning, R.
- Inward strength of a nationalsocialist
- Gordon-Canning
- Ireland's Right to Unite
- It Might Have Happened to You -
Aldred, G. Wynn, J.
- Land and the people, The.
British union farming policy - Jenks, Jorian
- Mi vida - Mosley, Oswald
- My Life - Mosley, Oswald
- Tomorrow we live. British union
policy - Mosley, Oswald
- Wagner and Shaw - Mosley,